Finally, I've got my arse in gear and blown the summer dust off the Flying Cloud. Time to fabricate & fit the all-important C channel.
I'm sure some of you have folding presses & guillotines but we went low-tech and got out the tin-snips.
Slightly thicker aluminium than the original - a 5" strip will give us a 2 1/2 x 1" channel with the all important inch and a half base.
Snip, snip, snip...
Now to bend...
Some plywood off-cuts from the floor with clamps at either end and a central bolt grip the strip along its length.
Then start bending. By hand to begin with...
... then with a little more force to tighten the corners.
Start with the inch...
... and finish with the two and a half.
Wally would be proud ! One down, ten to go.
Don't think my precision was completely spot on but then as we all know, nor was Airstream's !
More snipping on the corner sections. I was going to cut out triangles but overlapping the snipped sections worked perfectly well and saved more snipping & cut hands.
After a bit of trial and error - I ended up snipping about every 3/4 inch and putting in a bend on each.
This makes too tight a bend initially but it'll open out evenly to fit the corner line.
We used stainless steel coach bolts which pull in tight to the underside of the floor and make it easier to bend or lock the nuts on the topside.
And a dab of the dreaded silicone to seal the hole.
Starting to look the part again.
The shell slipped over fine, with enough breathing space for the belly-wrap between the channel and the outer sheets.
As we'll be flipping the chassis and fitting the bellywrap first we marked the position of each of the frames to bolt through the short sections of 1/4" right-angle alloy which Airstream used on key frames to anchor them to the floor or chassis members.
The beauty of having the shell on a chain hoist means its a doddle to lift it up and down to check the fit - thanks to Pete Ritchie @ VATCO - Vintage American Trailer Co, for that luxury. Can't recommend his company highly enough and I'm pleased to see that he may well be working on a newly imported 54 Flying Cloud too... Clouds rule !
I also got the chance to blow the dust off my second-hand Ingersol Rand rivet gun and bucked my first rivet. Hurrah !
... worked beautifully, even if I'd overcooked the first couple.