Sunday, 8 November 2015

Small things...

 Summer has flown by, so here's the first of a few catch up posts on the work done on the 53 Flying Cloud this year
 Its often the small things that make life better, so time for some small fixes in the Airstream too: Drawers - the original ones are a little tatty but a little clean & revarnish will sort them out. I could add some plastic trays but decided to divide up the drawers with simple ply divisions
 The three drawers from the kitchen unit - stain touched up 
& revarnished
Divisions in 
Ready for another 60 yrs ! 
This was in early April & our swallows have just returned to the barn where my workshop is - so summer is coming 
 Similar divisions to the drawers in shelf unit under the front window
They tend to be home to a thousand little bits, so I've gone for double-height storage 
 with a lifting ply lid
and room on top for papers or books 
 Kitchen drawers 
with a little order brought to the chaos 
and the original pull-out chopping board sanded down & the front revarnished 
 Outside time to tackle the polishing I have never finished

 Gradually getting to a proper shine

Curtsied too 
Though still work to do on the door & a new fly screen to be installed (that'll be next year) 
 Drizzle stopped play
Our first outing is to the Larmer Tree Festival, so a nice find was these 50s shot glasses 

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